Afraid of the body?

Sep 11, 2020

When I got Tammy’s email I remembered meeting her in a workshop I had done a couple years ago. Tammy is like so many: we want to feel more connected to our bodies – and are scared about what might come up when we do. 

Often people hesitate about “looking” too deeply – or more likely, feeling too deeply what might go on inside. 

Certainly, I understand that worry.  It was one I had for years and years.  Truthfully, before I lived in a yoga ashram I was so disconnected I wouldn’t have even known I wasn’t in my body.  I was frozen.  Hovering outside myself somewhere. 

After practicing yoga for a number of years I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror while I was working out. I had this odd realization then: “Oh. That’s me.” 

Does that sound strange to you? 

That’s how displaced I was. 

That experience and so many others were the cornerstone of my own healing.  Those moments were the foundation out of which I created the Becoming Safely Embodied skills so many years ago when I was working at Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Center. 

I wanted to help others access their inner world, befriend their bodies, and build a self structure that would help them feel solid, steady and secure inside.


If, like Tammy, you’re looking for a practical approach to connecting with your body, you can start by exploring this free pdf: The Safe Guide to Healing Trauma