Amplify your gifts in the world ... let us help

Jan 11, 2022

Yeah.... the news can be pretty hard sometimes.

There might be some good news...then we feel it's all crash & burn.

Seems like we're stuck, trapped, caught in an endless loop.
Couple that with old history that gets triggered and ...


it feels like we're caught in a double (triple?) whammy.


And yet, yesterday, like most of my days, I sat with some people.
I was in awe at who they are and who they are becoming.

Or those moments when my heart explodes with joy when I read an email from someone who is using any of the practices/skills I teach and their life is changing.

In concrete, tangible ways.

Like... they don't get as triggered when they're in situations that would have blown them out before.

That's what allows them to step out into the world, sharing their gifts, expressing themselves in ways they never would have thought possible before.... all while getting feedback that makes them feel good, valued, respected, seen and known.

As they said, they feel proud instead of worthless.

Seen, respected, valued instead of falling into trauma vortexes that used to trap them for days....weeks? ... longer....

Another person has taken an idea they've been talking about for years -- I mean YEARS (like decades) and starting to put the ideas together.

That's when I take a deep breath and realize there's a lot of hard things going on in the world.  We're living with a lot of fear and uncertainty.

At the same time, our hearts are growing stronger out of difficulty. 

Life is training us.

And some of us are up to the task.

If you are we've got a webinar coming up just for you.

It's free.

It's designed to help you express yourself fully, putting yourself out there int he world with less fears, resistances, and stress. 

We're committed to helping you take the steps necessary to have the life you want.  So join us in our upcoming webinar and..... Transform your Triggers so you can Amplify your Gifts in the World!

Here's the link to register: