This may be a missing piece for you

May 27, 2022

How do you get your needs met?

Is it comfortable for you to even know what you need? --- let alone receive it when it's offered?

This Saturday in the Mind-Body Psychotherapy online conference I'll be joining other speakers like Susan Aposhyan and Pat Ogden.  I'm going to be giving an outline of the entire Safely Embodied healing approach.  

AND, it'll be the first time I'll touch on something that's just recently become clear to me as a missing link towards becoming an even more full, more authentically Safely Embodied being. 

I hope you register and give me your thoughts!

What a treat to share these great teachers with you!

The thrill was mine, I said to Niall, the delightful person leading the Weekend University Mind-Body Psychotherapy Conference.  Sharing the stage with people like Susan Aposhyan and Pat Ogden all while getting to be with you is a tremendous honor.

Susan has taught me so much over the years about sensing, moving, and sharing from felt experience.  I loved being on retreat with her.  Her work you may know from any of the presentations I've given or from the books I've written.

And Pat Ogden has paved the embodied way from early on with the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. I was both honored and lucky when she invited me to teach for her many years ago. 

I'm thrilled to add to the conversation.

Our life-long task is learning to take the raw bits of life, the feelings, disappointments, upsets, worries, fears -- and of course, the joys, as our unique training manual. 

When we take those moments, deciphering the inner and outer signals to create a more SOLID, STEADY & SECURE SELF inside we can then choose WHO we want to be and HOW we want to respond to the moments of life that we're in.

Come join me, and Susan, and Pat as we spend the afternoon (UK time) together.

You can learn more about the conference via the link below: