Bathe your heart in goodness

We take time every day to do the basic cleaning. When we take time to bathe our hearts the threat system releases allowing our body, mind, and spirit to expand, remembering our native  goodness, kindness, and compassion.

When we're scared we protect our hearts 

It's especially hard to stay in our hearts, positive, solid, steady and secure when we're threatened.

These last few years have been especially hard for many -- which is why I am leading free monthly heart bathing meditations.  It's for all of us to remember who we really are, deep down inside underneath our fears, blocks, and resistances, connecting to the river of goodness that is there waiting for us.

Receive FREE monthly Heart Bathing Meditations

Intention of Heart Bathing Meditation


Here's what others have to say after a Heart Bathing Meditation

Trauma is a Modern Day Bodhisattva Training

I convinced trauma has a purpose. It's not to crush us but is instead a path, of transformation. We are invited to be in our lives with a higher purpose, taking on the pain, disappointments, grief, confusion and agony as a practice to become who we have always wanted to be, deep down inside. In the wisdom traditions a Bodhisattva is someone who deliberately chooses to transform suffering into compassion.


"Dear Deirdre, Both this meditation and you were radiant and beautiful, shining a deeply compassionate energy that reached my heart and soul. Thank you for sharing this with us all, Deirdre! I experienced a magical moment with spontaneous tears when you invited us to rest in the space at the back of our hearts. Your authenticity and clear desire to share what you know to empower, bring comfort and hope, validate, and foster self compassion is evident! Your voice, I imagine, is the inner voice of kindness of so many!! "

Melissa Potter
With Gratitude,New Hampshire

The most important piece of Heart Bathing Meditations?

For you to trust and remember

Your Inner Wisdom is guiding you through the many moments of life.

I would love to have you join us. You'll find yourself with other like-hearted people, on a similiar path.

Having taught workshops and trainings throughout the world I am moved and inspired with the courage and commitment it takes to heal and flourish. 

The most important thing is that you trust yourself, learning to be guided by your heart, back to your own Self.

There is nothing better than that.  

We'd love to have you join us, for free.  

Let's create a world of goodness - together.

Cancellation Policy & Informed Consent

You're registering for a monthly heart bathing meditation and Deirdre's supportive weekly emails.  Of course, if this isn't right for you, you can cancel at any time...

Receiving Heart Bathing meditations presumes you have read and agree to this little caveat, though:

This is not psychotherapy. Not does it mean you are in therapy with Deirdre Fay, instead this is an opportunity to ground in your heart, practicing becoming more solid, more secure, steadier in the face of a complicated life. 

Register here for the FREE Heart-Bathing Meditations

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